Bishop Election Takes Place Tomorrow

The Special Convention to elect the 14th Bishop of the Diocese of Arkansas will take place tomorrow, Saturday, August 19, at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock.

Check-in begins at 8 a.m. in Morrison Hall. All clergy, delegates, and alternates will need to check in before the opening Eucharist at 10 a.m. in order to receive an official name tag.

We look forward to seeing you there for this important and exciting event in the life of the diocese.

Schedule and Overview

All clergy, delegates, and alternates should check in between 8–10 a.m. in Morrison Hall to receive their name tags. There will be coffee and light snacks available.

Opening Eucharist
The opening Eucharist will begin at 10 a.m. in the Cathedral. During the service, attendees may sit anywhere they like, regardless of whether they are clergy, delegate, or visitor. Clergy will not vest and will not process.

Following Eucharist, there will be a 15-minute break, during which time the Cathedral will be reset for voting.

Official Nominations and Instructions
The two candidates for bishop will be officially nominated by the president of the Standing Committee, and the clergy and delegates eligible to vote will receive instructions on voting.

First Ballot
Upon returning to the Cathedral after the break, clergy, delegates, and alternates will be seated by orders. After receiving instructions, ballots will be passed out, voting will take place, and each person will place their completed ballot in the appropriate ballot box.

Lunch will be in Chancellors Hall following the first ballot, during which time the Election Committee will count the ballots.

Second and Subsequent Ballots
Voting continues until one candidate has received the number of votes required by the Constitution and Canons of the diocese. The second and subsequent ballots will be held after lunch.

Learn more about voting at the Special Convention.


John Harmon Elected Bishop of Arkansas


Voting at the Special Electing Convention