Evaluation and Discernment

An Update from the Search Committee

Since the closing of the application period, the Bishop Search Committee has continued the work of evaluation and discernment of the applicants. We are very grateful for the ongoing prayers and support of the people of the Diocese as we interview and assess a wonderful group of candidates. As a reminder, please understand that the members of the committee are unable to discuss any details about the candidates, including the number of applicants.

As the search process progresses, we ask you to continue to keep the entire bishop search process in your prayers.

Gracious God, We give thanks for your servant, Bishop Larry Benfield, and his ministry among us. Bless him richly in this period of transition while he prepares to enter a new chapter of life. As we seek a well-rounded slate of candidates, send your Spirit to guide and infuse our common endeavor. Bless all who seek to discern your will and answer your call. Give us each courage and grace to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in your name, Amen.


Bishop Candidate Meet-and-Greets


A Season of Self-Examination and Repentance